Gray Panthers Santa Barbara Network Annual Meeting


January 25, 2023    
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Gray Panthers Members and Friends,

You are invited to the Gray Panthers Santa Barbara Network Annual Meeting to be held via Zoom on Wednesday, January 25 at 5:00 p.m. At the meeting, members will elect our officers (chair, recording secretary, membership secretary, and treasurer) as well as the Board of Directors, some for a one-year term and others for a two-year term.  Let us know immediately if you are interested in serving as an officer or member of the Board so we may include you in the election process.  If interested, please email with your contact information and a statement about why you are interested in serving. We welcome your input on issues you would like the Gray Panthers to address in the coming months.  Our policies can be found on our webpage at:

To participate in the Annual Meeting, you will need to register in advance by using this link: